Grounding Visual Illusions in Language: Do Vision-Language Models Perceive Illusions Like Humans?

In this paper, we ask, do Vision-Language Models (VLMs), an emergent human-computer interface, perceive visual illusions like humans? Or do they faithfully represent reality. We built VL-Illusion, a new dataset that systematically evaluate the …

MetaReVision: Meta-Learning with Retrieval for Visually Grounded Compositional Concept Acquisition

Humans have the ability to learn novel compositional concepts by recalling and generalizing primitive concepts acquired from past experiences. Inspired by this observation, in this paper, we propose MetaReVision, a retrieval-enhanced meta-learning …

Towards A Holistic Landscape of Situated Theory of Mind in Large Language Models

Large Language Models (LLMs) have generated considerable interest and debate regarding their potential emergence of Theory of Mind (ToM). Several recent inquiries reveal a lack of robust ToM in these models and pose a pressing demand to develop new …

Towards Collaborative Plan Acquisition through Theory of Mind Modeling in Situated Dialogue

Collaborative tasks often begin with partial task knowledge and incomplete initial plans from each partner. To complete these tasks, agents need to engage in situated communication with their partners and coordinate their partial plans towards a …

Human Inspired Progressive Alignment and Comparative Learning for Grounded Word Acquisition

Human language acquisition is an efficient, supervised, and continual process. In this work, we took inspiration from how human babies acquire their first language, and developed a computational process for word acquisition through comparative …

In-Context Analogical Reasoning with Pre-Trained Language Models

Analogical reasoning is a fundamental capacity of human cognition that allows us to reason abstractly about novel situations by relating them to past experiences. While it is thought to be essential for robust reasoning in AI systems, conventional …

NLP Reproducibility For All: Understanding Experiences of Beginners

As natural language processing (NLP) has recently seen an unprecedented level of excitement, and more people are eager to enter the field, it is unclear whether current research reproducibility efforts are sufficient for this group of beginners to …

World-to-Words: Grounded Open Vocabulary Acquisition through Fast Mapping in Vision-Language Models

The ability to connect language units to their referents in the physical world, referred to as grounding, is crucial to learning and understanding grounded meanings of words. While humans demonstrate fast mapping in new word learning, it remains …

SEAGULL: An Embodied Agent for Instruction Following through Situated Dialog

The growing demand for advanced AI necessitates the development of an intelligent agent capable of perceiving, reasoning, acting, and communicating within an embodied environment. We introduce SEAGULL, an interactive embodied agent designed for the …

DANLI: Deliberative Agent for Following Natural Language Instructions

Recent years have seen an increasing amount of work on embodied AI agents that can perform tasks by following human language instructions. However, most of these agents are reactive, meaning that they simply learn and imitate behaviors encountered in …