Theory of Mind Modeling and Common Ground in Interaction and Communication
Motivations and Objectives
Theory of mind (ToM) refers to agents' ability to impute mental states to themselves and others, which is fundamental to aspects of human’s embodied cognition and social reasoning. Motivated by human ToM, we develop benchmarks and methods to model AI agents' ability to ascribe beliefs, intentions, desires, emotions, knowledge, percepts, and non-literal communication to their human partners.
Our thoughts and positions:
- Ziqiao Ma, Jacob Sansom, Run Peng, Joyce Chai. Towards A Holistic Landscape of Situated Theory of Mind in Large Language Models. EMNLP Findings, 2023.
Selected Recent Papers
Modeling Partner’s Beliefs, Knowledge, and Intentions
- Cristian-Paul Bara, Ziqiao Ma, Julie Shah, Joyce Chai. Towards Collaborative Plan Acquisition through Theory of Mind Modeling in Situated Dialogue. IJCAI, 2023.
- Christian-Paul Bara, Sky Wang, Joyce Chai. Mindcraft: Theory of Mind Modeling for Situated Dialogue in Collaborative Tasks. EMNLP 2021. (Outstanding Paper Award)
- Shaohua Yang, Qiaozi Gao, Sari Saba-Sadiya, and Joyce Chai. Commonsense Justification for Action Explanation. EMNLP, 2018.
- Chen Zhang and Joyce Chai. Towards Conversation Entailment: An Empirical Investigation. EMNLP, 2010
Modeling Partner’s Perceptual Experiences
- Changsong Liu, Joyce Chai. Learning to Mediate Perceptual Differences in Situated Human-Robot Dialogue. AAAI, 2015.
- Changsong Liu, Rui Fang, Joyce Chai. Towards Mediating Shared Perceptual Basis in Situated Dialogue. SIGDIAL (Best Paper Nominee), 2012.
Building and Maintaining a Common Ground
- Joyce Chai, Qiaozi Gao, Lanbo She, Shaohua Yang, Sari Saba-Sadiya, Guangyue Xu. Language to Action: Towards Interactive Task Learning with Physical Agents. IJCAI (Invited Paper), 2018
- Joyce Chai, Lanbo She, Rui Fang, Spencer Ottarson, Cody Littley, Changsong Liu, Kenneth Hanson. Collaborative Effort towards Common Ground in Situated Human-Robot Dialogue. HRI, 2014.